1- Flexible Workspace Builder Up to 5 channels for spikes (SPK) and up to 5 channels for Local Field Potentials (LFP). Number of channels decided by the user per procedure
2- Wide stimulation range for micro and macro threshold stimulation tests
3- Switch from recording to stimulation with the push of a button
4- Gradual increase and decrease of stimulation current during stimulation for added safety
5- Current monitor system ensures accurate delivery of stimulation current
6- Clear on-screen trajectory view, automatically builds an electrophysiological map as the electrode advances in the brain
7- Electrode depth and distance from target are both clearly displayed on the screen, with easy reference to macro and micro tip locations
8- Built-in HaGuide automatic navigation assistant with stimulation recommendation capability
9- Measure the impedance of all micro contacts simultaneously to ensure recording integrity
10- Save data for post-case analysis in MATLAB or other formats
11- Pre-set Step Size option to maximize the precision of the microdrive and improve safety and control
12- Adjustable threshold for spike detection
13- Online Data Replay of all the recordings from the procedure